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Fuel Your Education: The Benefits Of Eating A Nutritious Diet As A Student

Food as Fuel: Why Students Should Eat Smart

A student receives a lot of information every day. In order to process and remember it effectively, the brain needs a lot of nutrients. You can get them with food if you make your diet properly. Forget the chocolates and get ready to change your eating habits.

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How nutrition affects the intellect

Food is the building material for the body in general and the central nervous system in particular. To form neural connections – the key to successful learning – nerve cells connect to each other with their spurs and then transmit signals from receptors to the brain. Information processing and decision-making take place. All of this requires proteins, fats, carbohydrates, and vitamins. 

The brain gets the nutrients in the blood, but it can’t store them, so it needs proper nutrition every day. According to research, a poorly balanced diet can have a negative impact on cognitive development. But once you switch to a proper diet, academic performance goes up. 




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But sometimes, no matter how healthy your diet is, paper writing can be overwhelming. That’s where paper writing help comes in. Whether it’s hiring a coach to guide you through the paper writing process or enlisting an editor to polish up your final draft, paper writing help can give you the boost you need to improve your academic performance.


Where to look for healthy nutrients

Protein and fats

The diet should definitely include sea fish (salmon, herring, mackerel, tuna). They are an excellent source of animal protein and omega-3 and omega-6 fatty acids. They speed up brain function, activate memory, attention, concentration and help resist stress. 

Unsaturated fatty acids are also found in avocados. And not only them, but also vitamin B5, which is responsible for long-term memory and activity, and B6, which supports normal functioning of the nervous system. Add an egg to these foods and you have a recipe for the perfect lunch. The fact is that the yolk also contains the very fat that the brain needs, as well as vitamins B6 and B12, folic acid and choline, which help regulate mood and memory.



Glucose provides fuel for the brain, but that doesn’t mean you have to eat honey, sugar and sweets. Simple carbohydrates should be no more than 5-10% of the total caloric intake. They are not useful in principle and are digested too quickly, causing blood sugar spikes, which, in turn, provoke sleepiness.  Slow carbohydrates should be added to the menu: e.g. wholemeal bread, porridge, corn and potatoes.



The intestines have such a wide network of neurons that they are even called the “second brain”. It directly affects the whole body and our mood. Yogurt with probiotics, sauerkraut, kefir can help correct the intestinal microflora and thus have a positive effect on the brain.



Free radicals cause a decrease in intelligence. Free radicals can be combatted with antioxidants found in, for example, blueberries. This berry is called a superfood for a reason – it contains a lot of vitamins. It also includes the brain essential vitamin C. 

Vitamin C, along with antioxidants, can also be found in oranges. One medium-sized fruit and you’ve replenished your daily dose. Vitamin C is invigorating, helps you concentrate, increases your decision-making speed, and protects against anxiety.



Iodine is essential for normal brain function. According to expert writers who provide nurse essay writing help to students, the absence of iodine leads to impaired memory, decreased mood, irritability. Sources of iodine are the already mentioned: sea fish and blueberries, as well as shrimp, seaweed and apples. 


What should the student’s diet look like

The most important meal for a schoolchild is breakfast. Give up cereal, which contains a lot of sugar, in favor of porridge, scrambled eggs or cottage cheese with fruit. You can also make homemade granola by mixing oatmeal, raw nuts, and dried fruit. This mixture is poured with milk or yogurt – you get a delicious and healthy breakfast for the brain. 

It is also important to take care of a snack during classes. Bananas are suitable – they do not need to be washed and cooked, they are tasty and contain glucose and potassium, which help the brain to work actively. Another option is a handful of walnuts. Recent studies have confirmed that they help improve cognitive abilities. 

For lunch, salmon, tuna or turkey with whole grain pasta are ideal. This combination will provide energy for extra studying and homework, and will also help you calm down and focus. But if you’re looking for an even easier solution, online college students services offer assistance with any assignments or studying you may have. Just search for “pay me to do your homework reviews” to find the best option for you. 

It’s important to not only eat right, but often enough. When the day is filled with classes, activities, and extracurriculars, sometimes a child has no time for a snack. But to keep the brain working you need to eat a full meal at least three times a day and have one or two small snacks.

The breaks between meals should not be too big. It is difficult for students to study on an empty stomach, the process of memorizing information is worse. But a heavy lunch will do more harm than good: eating too much will make them sleepy. It is best to eat a moderate meal before class. 



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