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The Do’s And Don’ts Of Wine Storage 

The Do’s And Don’ts Of Wine Storage 


Storing wine is an art. Suppose you plan on having an extensive collection. In that case, it’s best to educate yourself on how you can do it properly, especially when it comes to the preservation of certain wine varieties and flavors. It may be true that wine gets better with age, but that won’t work as expected if you’ll just mindlessly put the bottle behind the kitchen counter or cabinet and lock it away for years. Instead of getting a deliciously preserved wine, you could end up with a moldy or even spoiled drink by the time you open the bottle.

Needless to say, acquainting yourself with the different do’s and don’ts of wine storage is crucial. If you’ve set your heart out on investing in a fine collection and you’ve already purchased several expensive bottles, you need to pay extra attention to how you’ll store them and keep them in their most favorable condition.

Wine Storage 101: The Do’s

Doing your research can go a long way in knowing the right way to store your stockpile. Thankfully, there are now online resources you can use to find the information you need. An example of helpful wine storage knowledge you may not be aware of is how you should store the bottle on its side. According to, doing so will keep the cork damp, which is crucial so that air won’t get inside the bottle and cause the wine to go bad.


Here are more tips you should keep in mind when dealing with wine storage:




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  • Choose An Ideal Location

If you don’t have a spot for your collection yet, a good starting point would be to look for an existing area in your home that you can convert for such a purpose. The bottles need a humid, dark, and cold place where they can rest until the wine can be consumed. The key is to make sure that the temperature is within the recommended range, which is between 50 and 55 degrees Fahrenheit. The optimal temperature will help prevent the wine from getting ‘cooked’ while in storage.

Should you decide to keep the wine in your kitchen, pick a spot that doesn’t receive direct sunlight, such as the pantry. Choose a lower shelf if there’s one available so you can keep the bottles at a cooler temperature. Cabinets also work if the bottles will fit inside. But if you plan on accumulating a vast collection, it’s more recommended to convert a room or corner where you can have a wine cellar built. You can buy a wine cooler with the right temperature to ensure that your collection will be in its best condition until you’re ready to enjoy your favorite drink.

On the other hand, humidity is another critical factor you need to remember when choosing a location for your storage. A humid environment allows the wine to rest and helps maintain a suitable temperature for it.

  • Store The Bottles Sideways

Wine Stock
Wine Stock

Storing or laying your bottles on their side is a given 411 in the world of wine collection and storage. Doing so won’t only save you space but, more importantly, will keep the cork moist. Dried corks are more prone to letting air in, which could affect the flavor, aroma, and even color of your wine.

Another essential element is the angle of your bottles when stored. As much as possible, there should be a minimal edge that allows the containers to face downward toward the cork. This is one way to guarantee that the corks won’t dry out as the wine ages.

If the bottles have plastic corks or screw caps, you may not need to worry about spoiling the drink, but still, storing the containers on their side is a great space-saving solution. You’ll find this technique especially advantageous if you have limited space for wine storage.

Wine Storage 101: The Don’ts

Basically, there’s not much to remember about storing wine the right way. You just have to know the fundamentals mentioned above and each storage guideline’s purpose. Since you already have an idea of what to do, here are some of the things you shouldn’t do if you want to preserve your wine bottles well:

  • Don’t Keep The Wine In The Refrigerator

When storing wine as a collection, it’s not ideal that you keep the bottles in the refrigerator. This practice may be acceptable if you’re about to consume or serve the drink in an hour or so, but any longer than that, cold temperatures aren’t optimal for wine storage.

Being in a too-cold environment can lead to the corks shrinking, thus allowing the air to seep through. When this happens, don’t be surprised if you find the wine spoilt or damaged upon opening.

  • Don’t Leave The Lights On

Aside from ensuring that your storage area won’t receive direct UV rays from the sun, you also need to remember to turn off the lights whenever you’re about to leave the room. Of course, when you’re getting a bottle or adding more to your collection, you’ll be turning on the light to be able to see everything. But when you’re about to exit the room, don’t forget to turn it off.

To add, it’s better not to use fluorescent bulbs in your storage corner. Those lightbulbs can emit UV radiation. Although it’ll be in small amounts, the radiation can still affect the quality of your wine. It’d be better for you to opt for incandescent lightbulbs instead.

  • Don’t Disturb The Wine 

It’s not enough that you store your bottles in a humid, dark, and cold place. You should also make sure there won’t be too much vibration in the room because that may trigger chemical reactions in the wine. Too much vibration or noise can travel through the bottles, shaking up their composition. As a result, there may be a change in the wine’s texture and taste.

Wines collection
Wines collection

The Bottom Line 

Being a wine enthusiast or collector comes with specific responsibilities, especially if you don’t want to waste your investment in the long run. Whether it’s for resale or you just want to serve the finest drinks when having your favorite guests over, it’s crucial that you know the proper way of storing bottles. Doing so will guarantee that your wine will be at its optimal condition and be ideal for consumption anytime. Learn from the do’s and don’ts above so you can take care of your collection for as long as you intend to. 



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Moonshine recipes, cocktail recipes, infusions, distilling, beer and wine brewing, cooking, menu, food, cocktail and more

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