Indian Head Corn Meal Whiskey is a great mash recipe that even a novice distilling enthusiast can tackle with no problem. Let’s read how to make Corn Meal Whiskey.
The ingredients are easy to obtain and it doesn’t add any additional steps compared to an ordinary grain mash. Just make sure you mix the corn and malted barley well, use sanitized equipment, and let the mash ferment completely.
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Even a novice ‘shiner should get a great-tasting corn meal moonshine as a result, and that’s the best part about this recipe.
- 4 Gallons of Drinking Water
- 3 Lbs of Indian-Head Corn Meal
- 1.5 Lbs of Barley Malt (Preferably Brewers Munich Malt)
- 1 Small Packet of Distillers Yeast
Equipment – See our guide here!
- Fermentation Bucket
- Siphon Tube
- Airlock
- Moonshine Still
- Pour the water into the fermenter then add corn meal, preventing lumps from being formed.
- Heat the cornmeal to about 165F, stirring occasionally.
- Let cool to about 150F.
- Add malted barley, and mix well to avoid clumping.
- Let cool to under 90F.
- Pitch yeast, close the lid, and put the airlock in place.
- Allow to ferment completely, should take about a week.
- Rack the wash off the yeast and grain sediment into the still using a siphon tube.
- Distill the wash as you normally would.
If needed, add a teaspoon of amylase enzyme to ensure good starch conversion.
Depending on still type your efficiency and spirit proof may vary.

Moonshine Recipes
Moonshine recipes, cocktail recipes, infusions, distilling, beer and wine brewing, cooking, menu, food, cocktail and more
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