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10 Superfoods That May Help Protect Against Cancer

People fear cancer like a death sentence, which is understandable given its high mortality rate.

But fear shouldn’t make you give up all hope of dodging the illness.

Even if you have a family history of cancer, there are still ways you can protect yourself and your family from this dreaded disease. One of the easiest ones is by supercharging your diet with foods that contain cancer-fighting nutrients.

Want to know what items to add to your plate? 




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Below are 10 superfoods recommended by experts in cancer care in Dubai:

healthy foods for college students

1. Whole Grains

Fibre is crucial in keeping your digestive system clean and healthy. But more than that, it also speeds up the passing of cancer-causing compounds through your digestive tract, reducing their chance of causing harm to your body.

That said, high-fibre food like whole grains should always be a part of your daily diet to boost your defences against colorectal cancer.


2. Beans

Like whole grains, beans also provide much-needed fibre to protect you from cancers of the digestive tract.

Black or navy beans are beneficial as they have been found to impede cancer cell development in the colon by up to 75 per cent, based on an animal study published in 2002.

Another study followed the history of 1,905 patients with a history of colorectal tumours and discovered a lower risk of tumour growth among those who included cooked beans in their diets.


3. Nuts

Studies also revealed a connection between nuts and lower cancer risk, particularly pancreatic, colorectal, and endometrial cancers. These superfoods have also been found to help reduce cancer mortality, according to one study that followed the diet of nearly 20,000 people.

For instance, Brazil nuts contain high levels of selenium that may help prevent lung cancer, particularly in people with low selenium supply.

Similarly, an animal study revealed that walnuts reduce the growth rate of breast cancer cells by as much as 80 per cent in mice. Researchers also found 60 per cent fewer tumours in lab rats fed with this type of nut.


4. Turmeric

Besides being a well-known spice that adds flavour to countless dishes, turmeric is also famous for its health-boosting properties, particularly its main active ingredient: curcumin.

This chemical in turmeric offers antioxidant, anti-inflammatory, and even anti-cancer effects, making it an ideal addition to your cancer-defence diet.

Several test-tube studies revealed the following benefits of curcumin:

  • Elimination of an enzyme that causes cancer growth and reduces the spread of colon cancer.
  • Eradication of cancer cells in the head and neck.
  • Slowed down the growth of cancer cells in the breasts, lungs, and prostate.

Add at least one-half to three teaspoons (1 to 3 grams) of turmeric into your daily diet to get the best results. If you can, pair it with black pepper for enhanced nutrient absorption.


5. Garlic

Besides adding flavour to food, garlic also works as an immune-boosting ingredient known for its powerful anti-bacterial properties.

Interestingly, the sulphur compounds that cause stinky breath from garlic consumption may also be the same ones stopping cancer-causing substances from developing in your body. As a bonus, they also kill cancer cells, not to mention hasten DNA repair.

To maximise the benefits of garlic, let the cloves sit for about 15 to 20 minutes before tossing them into the pan. This will activate the enzymes that release the sulphur compounds that protect against cancer.


6. Spinach

Popeye has the right idea when it comes to spinach. After all, this green leafy vegetable is rich in two carotenoids – lutein and zeaxanthin – that remove damage-causing free radicals.

According to research, these carotenoids may help protect you against stomach, oesophagus, and mouth cancers.

Other studies highlight how spinach can reduce the risk of lung, endometrial, ovarian, and colorectal cancers.


7. Broccoli

Heed your mother’s advice about finishing up your broccoli. She’s right; these are good for you.

Cruciferous vegetables like broccoli contain glucosinolates, the phytochemicals that block the cell cycle of cancer cells.

Besides this, broccoli also contains another compound known as sulforaphane that can potentially reduce cancer risk.

Scientists studying its effects and found several cancer-fighting benefits, including the following:

  • Detoxifying smoke and other harmful substances from the environment that may have entered the body.
  • Fighting off the bacterium H. pylori that causes infection and inflammation in the digestive tract.
  • Getting rid of prostate cancer cells and decreasing tumour volume by over 50 percent (based on an animal study).


8. Artichokes

Looking for a different cruciferous veggie to add to your plate? Try artichokes.

These cruciferous vegetables contain polyphenolic extracts (AEs) – compounds experts deem potent enough to fight cancer.

According to studies, consuming more foods with high amounts of AEs may induce apoptosis or cell death. It can also lower the invasive potential of a specific group of cancer cells that causes breast cancer.

Although not usually included in everyday dishes, artichoke is an active ingredient in several products, including vegan gummies for gut health. Its stem, leaf, and roots have also been used to produce extracts that help treat indigestion and high cholesterol.


9. Carrots

Probably the easiest vegetable to love, carrots are both delicious and nutritious. They contain beta-carotene, an antioxidant that contributes to the toxin defence of healthy cells and helps slow cancer cell growth.

Besides, carrots also contain other vitamins that may shield you against various types of diseases, including cancers of the breast, stomach, mouth, pharynx, and larynx.

Research also shows the potential for this bright orange veggie in preventing cervical cancer by supplying antioxidants that could combat human papillomavirus (HPV).

Aside from that, carrots also contain a natural pesticide with potential anti-inflammatory effects known as falcarinol.

When adding carrots to your diet, steam or boil them whole first. According to the Journal of Agriculture and Food Chemistry, doing this supplies more antioxidants and lessens the loss of nutrients. As a bonus, they also taste sweeter when consumed.


10. Berries

No superfood list would be complete without berries.

Taking the highest honours when it comes to disease-fighting benefits, different types of berries offer an additional defence against memory decline, heart disease, and even cancer.

According to one study, extracts from certain berries, like strawberry and black raspberry, decelerate cancer cell and tumour growth. This has been found to have the greatest impact on cancer cells in the colon.

These berries are rich in antioxidants that support enzyme activity and destroy cancer-causing substances. They also contain flavonoids that help suppress DNA-damaging enzymes that have been linked to lung cancer.

As a result, these superfoods have been known to help prevent cancers of the bladder, lung, oesophagus, breast, and skin.


Supercharge Your Diet

You don’t need special equipment to protect yourself from cancer. Even the simple act of eating the right foods is enough to boost your defences against the dreaded disease. 

Supercharge your diet with the foods listed here and watch your health gradually improve.



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