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Corn Mash Moonshine Recipe

Home Made Corn Mash Moonshine Recipe

This Corn Mash Moonshine Recipe is simple, fun & straightforward.


Home Brewing Recipes


Well, maybe not as straight after you take a good healthy sip of those results! If you want to get a true classic moonshine experience this mash recipe is as authentic as it gets.

Just make sure that you?re using quality corn seeds for the mash, well-ground (but not into flour, mind you). Both the fermentation and distillation steps should be fairly simple with this moonshine recipe, so even inexperienced runners can get great results with this one.




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If you’re still learning how to perfect your shine, we recommend you check our guides on how to make moonshine and common distilling equipment!


Red star yeast is what we have used. Turbo yeast is famous for producing high volume of liquor though.

Basic idea is that starch converts into sugar and that sugar should be converted into liquor. When using grain [like corn grain from grinned corn] , it needs to be mulched for which Amylase Enzyme is essential.


Red Star Active Dry Yeast, 2 Pound Pouch
  • Comes in a hefty, 2 Pound Vacuum Packed Pouch
  • Active Dry Yeast from one of the most popular brands worldwide
  • This is active dry yeast, and is ideally used for temperatures between 110-115 degrees Fahrenheit
  • Active Dry Yeast is designed for yeast-leavened bread and dough
  • From the popular brand Red Star
Alcotec-99-LH4U-OUU7 48-hour Turbo Yeast, 135 grams (Pack of 2),Multicolor
  • Produces 14 percent alcohol in 48 hours
  • Or it may produce 20 percent in 5 days
  • Fast-acting yeast
  • Country of origin: United Kingdom
Amylase enzyme - 1 lb.
  • Amylase enzyme - 1 lb
  • Adds high adjunct mash
  • Use 1 tsp per 5 gallon batch
Distillers Yeast (DADY) (1 lb. bulk pack)
  • Distiller's Yeast (DADY)
  • 1 Lb.
  • Ferments Up to 22% Before Slowing



Best Equipment for this Recipe

This mash doesn’t require a super high proof so if you’ve got a pot still you should still see great results. If this is your first run, make sure you have all the extra needed equipment to ensure it goes off without a hitch!

Fermentation Jar

Obviously, you’re going to need to ferment your mash. Sure, mason jars and that same bucket you use for oil changes in your car may be working for now. But if you want to shine like the big boys, it’s time to get serious.

We like glass carboys because, despite their weight, they’re the most sanitary option. This one here is our favorite glass fermenter:


Ss Brewtech Home Brewing Brew Bucket Fermenter; Stainless Steel (7 Gallon)
  • HOMEBREW: Before the Brew Bucket, there were no affordable stainless steel fermenters available to the home brewer. Often imitated, never duplicated, the mini c Brew Bucket continues to be the perfect fermenter for smaller batches.
  • CONICAL BASE: The conical base of the brew bucket is designed to minimize trub interaction with finished beer. A rotatable racking arm allows you to effortlessly rack off clean beer just like the pro's do in Ss Unitanks.
  • LCD THERMOMETER: Housed within a weldless thermowell the LCD thermometer clearly displays that monitors the temperature of your fermentation to within 1 degree.
  • STAINLESS STEEL: Look around any pro brewery and you'll find it filled with Stainless Steel gear. 304 Stainless Steel construction is more sanitary than plastic and safer than glass. It’s so important to us, it’s at the core of our branding.
  • PROFESSIONAL BREWING: Our Brew Bucket is designed with pro brewing in mind and features a rotatable racking arm, etched volume markings, a sturdy silicone base and mini ball valve for transfers and gravity samples.

Old mash ingredients can get stuck in small scratches in plastic buckets/containers and so they must be swapped out with new ones occasionally. Glass is good for life basically, and it’s easy to tell when it’s not perfectly clean for the next batch.

Oh, and snag yourself some airlocks, you should always have a healthy stash of these.

Home Made Corn Mash Moonshine RecipeHome Made Corn Mash Moonshine Recipe

Trust me, you don’t want to pitch yeast and then realize you don’t have a fresh one available!


These puppies are super handy for the messy job of racking the liquid off into your still’s boiler.

Home Made Corn Mash Moonshine RecipeHome Made Corn Mash Moonshine Recipe

There are cheaper home-depot methods yes, but making a mistake while racking a full heavy fermentation container can be devastating. Have you ever lost half the mash all over the floor because your hands got wet/slippery?? I cried a little.

The cost for this little gadget is well worth the stress and frustration of having to re-rack your mash because you messed it up the first time, or worse, lost half of it.

5.0 from 1 reviews
Corn Mash Moonshine
A timeless classic, corn mash moonshine!
Home Made Corn Mash Moonshine Recipe
  1. Heat the water to ~100F to aid with mixing
  2. Mix sugar with corn and water in the fermentation bucket by thoroughly stirring the liquid with a spoon for a couple of minutes.
  3. Add the yeast then seal the bucket with the lid.
  4. Place the airlock in the respective opening, making sure that the seal is airtight.
  5. Allow the mash to ferment completely, which should take about 2 weeks in total. Once the bubbling in the airlock stops, leave for an additional 2-3 days.
  6. Open the fermenter and rack the wash (filter off any solids and sediment) by using a siphon tube and (optional) filter.
  7. Place the collected wash inside your still's boiler and fire it up!
  8. [Note: You can also add malted barley for Amylase enzymes at specific temperature for 60 to 90 minutes to convert all starch present in corn to fermentable sugar]
Depending on your still type you may obtain different final proof of moonshine as well as drop rate.

Pot still users may require a second (or third) still run to obtain higher proof moonshine.

It is very important to discard the first 5oz or so (the foreshots) of the collected runnings as these usually contain methyl and other harmful fusel oils.

Make sure to collect the liquid into glass vessels, do not use plastic, as the spirit coming out of the still is hot.

It's recommended to use smaller vessels in order to observe the exact distinction between different fractions (cuts) of the moonshine.

If needed, taste the spirit by mixing a small amount with an equal amount of cold drinking water.

Patience and restraint are a 'shiners best companions!


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Corn Mash Moonshine Recipe

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Moonshine Recipes

Moonshine recipes, cocktail recipes, infusions, distilling, beer and wine brewing, cooking, menu, food, cocktail and more

14 thoughts on “Home Made Corn Mash Moonshine Recipe”

  1. Hi Greg! Typically, stone ground cornmeal is a bit too refined. Luckily cracked corn isn’t too pricey which is why it’s a great way to perfect your mashes till you’re ready to try something trickier. One of the best deals we’ve found on it is this 50lb sack

  2. I’ve seen corn mash,recipes where they use malted barley,malted wheat,and malted rye,does theses extra ingredients create a more robust flavor

  3. Should I strain the mash before I ferment it? Straining the mash after fermentation seems like it would stir up the dead yeast at the bottom wouldn’t it?

  4. Mark,
    Hope you got a reply by now.
    Mash recipes with malted grains for converting the corn starches to sugar without using the enzyme ingredient in this recipe. Malted grains can have enough naturally occurring enzymes to convert itself plus an equal weight of corn. Your shine’s flavour will change too.

  5. Another option for a corn mash is flaked corn. This is a process of running steam through the corn to explode the kernel and release the starches. This process will also gelatnize the starches and make them easier to convert to sugar. Feed mills offer this option close to me for around $12.00 / 50 lb. sack.

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