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deep frying fries

How Often Should Deep Fryer Oil Be Changed?

deep frying fries

deep frying fries

Using deep fryers has been increasing globally over time as it provides a faster frying process, saves oils, helps to make crispy & delicious food, & equipped with odor filters. But the problem is that many people can?t maintain it properly, & even don?t know how often deep fryer oil should be changed.

You?ll find a considerable number of people who fry food again & again without changing its oil that can contaminate food & awful smell can be spread. On top of that, if you don?t alter the oil after a certain period, it may bring hazardous to your health.

However, how often you should change the oil actually relies on multiple facts like what type of oil you are using, what foods you are frying, how often you are filtering the oil, how many times the oil has been used. Generally, you should change the oil after 3-4 successive uses though it varies from food to food. To get the proper explanation, track down the below segments.




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How Often Should Deep Fryer Oil Be Changed

The deep fryer oil should be changed after 6-8 successive uses for vegetables. On the other hand, you should alter the oil after 2-4 uses for meats & fish. The fact is oil replacement depends on oil types, different foods, and other factors mentioned earlier. 

If you are done with cooking and the oil has cooled, you can filter it through a strainer to extract food debris. After that, store the filtered oil in a sealed jar until you need it again. Sometimes it is difficult to change the oil in a certain deep fryer because you may require raising the entire fryer to pour the oil out.

The other thing that should be considered is, if you use Commercial Deep Fryer, you should change the oil twice a week to keep the foods? smell, taste, & color appealing. If you use the deep fryer in your business less frequently, the oil should be changed once a week.

Below, a table has been given showing how often the deep fryer oil should be changed depending on foods items. Hopefully, it will help you out to perceive the entire thing regarding the query.


Food Types

Number of Uses Before Replacement

Fish [Breaded]

2-3 Uses

Poultry & Meat [Non-Breaded]

3-4 Uses

Crumbly & Other Breaded Food

3-4 Uses

Fries Non-Breaded Items

6-8 Uses

Vegetables [Non-Breaded[

6-8 Uses

Does the Replacement of Oil Change the Taste of Food

It is one of the most common questions that many more deep fryer users often ask. Replacement of oil obviously can change the taste of foods. When your oil is going bad, it starts spreading a rotten smell & diminishes the original flavor. On the other hand, oil that has been used many more times can change the actual color of your food. That?s why to serve the food while maintaining the original taste & color, the oil of the deep fryer should be altered after a definite period. 


What Signs Indicate That The Deep Fryer Oil Should Be Changed

Comprehend the symptoms first that shows how often you should change the oil. We have conferred the signs below that will help you out.

  • The color of the oil becomes considerably darker than its normal ways.
  • A fishy smell comes out from the oil even if you never used it on frying fish.
  • Oil becomes smokier than before.
  • It becomes stocky & you?ll feel sticky when you?ll touch it
  • You?ll get a bitter taste from your fried foods
  • A burning smell will be spread out while frying

You can have a chemical test kit to determine whether the oil needs to be changed or not. It is basically used in big restaurants where a vast amount of oil they need to use for frying. 


How To Change Oil in Deep Fryer

A significant number of people find it difficult while changing oil in the deep fryer as they don?t know the proper procedure. We have come up with some simple steps to make you believe how simple changing oil in a deep fryer is.

  1. At the very first, Unplug the fryer and allow the oil to cool entirely
  2. Take a funnel and set it in a disposable container
  3. Flow out the used oil into to container and seal it firmly
  4. You can strain the old oil with a filter if you wish to use it again
  5. Check the oil whether it can be recycled again or not; if not, then throw it in a trash
  6. Now see the user?s manual to find out which part of your fryer should be cleaned
  7. Wash the inside of the fryer if you use a commercial fryer
  8. Once all the above things are done, pour new cooking oil to use again


Maintenance Tips for Your Deep Fryer

fries on deep fryer

fries on deep fryer

Proper taking care of your deep fryer can increase its lifespan. Here are some practical maintenance tips.

  • Clean your deep fryer every day, particularly its interior surface
  • Tidy up your deep fryer after changing its oil as food debris can remain there
  • Make sure that you have cleaned your deep fryer thoroughly, which is called deep wash, every 3 to 6 months
  • Always keep the suitable cooking temperature
  • Try to change its filter if it is damaged
  • Before frying new food, make sure that it has no previous food substances
  • Get a professional inspection with a food service technician at least once a year.


Final Thought

Deep fryer is now one of the most crucial machines that can fry foods within less time and helps to make delicious and crispy food. The number of users of deep fryers has been increasing with time, but very few people can only maintain it; thus, deep fryers won?t last long.

The most common problem that most users face is getting confused about when to change deep fryer oil. Though it depends on several things, we have provided some signs in this context that you?ll notice if it is time to change your deep fryer oil. Hopefully, you won?t have difficulty with changing oil anymore after reading the entire context.



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